Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blood Gas Analysis Exam Review Questions



a. acidic or decrease
b. alkaline or increase

Concentrations of HCO3 and PCO2:

a. HCO3 Normal
b. HCO3 Increased
c. HCO3 Decreased
d. PCO2 Normal
e. PCO2 Increased
f. PCO2 Decreased

Resulting Condition

a. Respiratory alkalosis
b. Respiratory acidosis
c. Metabolic alkalosis
d. Metabolic acidosis

Compensatory Mechanism

a. Increase retention and decrease excretion of HCO3 , H+ excretion by kidneys
b. Increase excretion and decrease retention of HCO3, H+ retention by kidneys
c. Increase retention and decrease excretion of CO2 by the lungs
d. Increase excretion and decrease retention of CO2 by the lungs

Tabulate the following conditions as to the following criteria:

1. Substance
2. Condition
3. pH
4. HCO3
5. PCO2
6. Resulting condition
7. Compensatory Mechanism


1. Fever
2. Hysteria
3. Morphine
4. Alcohol
5. Hyperventilation
6. Bronchopneumonia

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