Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Clinical Chemistry - Review Questions on Liver Function Test (LFT)

1. _____________________________________________ The enzyme responsible for the conversion of heme to biliverdin. 2. _____________________________________________ The enzyme responsible for the conversion of B1 to B2. 3. _____________________________________________ The carrier protein for B1 to the liver. 4. _____________________________________________ B1 is conjugated with this substance in the liver. 5. _____________________________________________ The liver converts ethanol to this substance. 6. _____________________________________________ Amino acids are converted to this substance in the liver. 7. _____________________________________________These cells act as macrophages in the liver. 8. _____________________________________________ It connects the liver to the diaphragm. 9. _____________________________________________Name the 2 mechanisms by which the liver detoxifies substances. 10. _____________________________________________ 11. _____________________________________________The amount of bile produced every day. 12. _____________________________________________The major bile pigment. 13. _____________________________________________The amount of bilirubin produced daily. 14. _____________________________________________Normal value for TB. 15. _____________________________________________Normal value for B2. 16. _____________________________________________These cells would carry B1 inside the liver. 17. _____________________________________________ This substance prevents B1 from leaving the liver. 18. _____________________________________________Bilirubin is converted to this substance in the small intestines by the action of bacteria. 19. _____________________________________________The answer to no. 18 is converted further to this substance which gives the color of the reagent. 20. _____________________________________________In the urine, some bilirubin is converted to this substance. 21. _____________________________________________ Conversion factor of Bilirubin 22. _____________________________________________ Formula for TB. 23. Three sources of bilirubin_________________________ 24. _____________________________________________ 25. _____________________________________________ ESSAY: 1. ILLUSTRATE HOW B1 AND B2 ARE FORMED (10 pts) 2. NAME 5 SYNONYMS EACH FOR B1 AND B2 (10 pts.)

Check next week for the correct answers.





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