Thursday, July 23, 2015

Answers to Laboratory Instrumentation Review Questions

      1.      It is the law applied to spectrophotometry:
a.  Beer-Lambert’s Law                                  c.  Kirchoff’s Law
b.  Newton’s Law                                           d.  Absorptivity coeffecient
                                                                                                e. NIL
2.      The following are basic components of the  spectrophotometer, except;
                        a.  burner assembly                                         c.  cuvette                    e. NIL
                        b.  monochomator                                           d.  exit slit

3.The more light absorbed, the higher  the concentration of analyte in this technique of measuring the amount of light absorbed  by a solution:
a.    atomic absorption                                      d. fluorometry            
b.    nephelometry                                            e. NIL
c.    spectrophotometry                                   

4.      The basis of EFP  is the measurement of:
a.       light given off by excited atoms
b.      light absorbed at wavelength of resonance line by dissociated atoms
c.       energy emitted by ultraviolet treated atoms
d.      energy emitted by infrared treated atoms
e.       NIL

5. 2- log T is a definition of (T= transmission):
    a. absorbance                                              d. electron density                  e. NIL
     b. ionic strength                                         e. electrophoretic density

6.  In Osmometry, concentration of substance can be measured by:
   a. colorimetry                                              d. freezing point depression
    b. appropriate filters                                    e. NIL
    c. ionized atoms

7.  Quenching is a problem in analysis of:
   a. ultraviolet  spectrophotometry                 d. flame photometry
   b. fluorescence                                             e. NIL
   c. atomic absorption

8.  For AAS measurements the light source is usually the:
a. hollow cathode lamp                                    d. Tungsten light bulb
b. Deuterium lamp                                            e. NIL
c. halogen lamp

9.  Electrophoresis is used to measure :
a.       ultraviolet substances                                      e. NIL
b.      infrared absorbing materials
c.       charged particles
d.      colored solutions

10.  The reagent blank corrects for absorbance caused by:
a.       the color of reagents                                       e. NIL
b.      sample turbidity
c.       bilirubin and hemolysis
d.      all of the above

11.  The internal standards in EFP, are:
    1. Didymium and lithium
    2. Cesium and lithium
    3. Potassium and didymium
    4. Cesium and didymium
    5. NIL

12.  The parts of the burner assembly are the following:
    1. Aspirator, atomizer, flame
    2. Aspirator, ionizer, flame
    3. Atomizer, emitter, flame
    4. Atomizer, ionizer, flame
    5. NIL

13.  The most accurate vessel in volumetric measurements is the:
a.       Erlenmeyer flask
b.      Graduated cylinder
c.       Serological pipette
d.      Volumetric flask
e.       NIL

14.  Volumetric measurements are generally used in:
    1. Liquid preparations only
    2. Solid and liquid preparations
    3. Solid preparations only
    4. AIL
    5. NIL

15.  The unit of volume in volumetric measurements is:
    1. Deciliter
    2. Micriolter
    3. Milliliter
    4. Liter
    5. NIL

16.  In electrophoresis, the basis of separation are the following, EXCEPT:
    1. Charges of ions
    2. Electrophoretic media
    3. Net charge of particles
    4. Concentration of ions
    5. NIL

17.  The movement of ions in electrophoresis is from:
    1. Negative to positive
    2. Positive to negative
    3. Negative to negative
    4. Positive to positive
    5. NIL

18.  The principle of chromatography is:
    1. The movement of charged particles in an electric field
    2. The involvement the solute and solvent
    3. The measurement of emitted light
    4. The excitation of ions in solution
    5. NIL

19.  Chromatography is affected by the following factors, EXCEPT:
    1. Density of particles in solution
    2. Size of particle
    3. Affinity of particles to chromatographic media
    4. pH
    5. NIL

20.  The following precautions are observed in Gravimetry, EXCEPT:
    1. The balance should be adjusted to zero
    2. The substance to be measured should be hydrated
    3. The substance should be uncontaminated
    4. The vessels used should be clean and dry
    5. NIL

21.  The specific substance that causes lipemia is
    1. Lipoprotein lipase
    2. Chylomicron
    3. Triglycerides
    4. Cholesterol
    5. NIL

22.  The most predominant carbohydrate is:
    1. Fatty acid
    2. Glucose
    3. Amino acid
    4. Triglyceride
    5. NIL

23.  Chromatography can be utilized in the separation of the following, EXCEPT:
    1. Proteins
    2. Sugars
    3. Drugs
    4. Glucose
    5. NIL

24.  The following are effects of long standing of serum samples not separated from the cells at room temperature in glucose determination:
1.      There will be falsely decreased results.
2.      The rate of loss of glucose due to long standing at RT is 7 mg/dL/hr. if the serum is not separated from the cells.
3.      The rate of loss of glucose may be higher due to possible bacterial contamination.
4.      There will be falsely elevated values.
5.      There will be no effect on glucose values.

a.       1          b. 1 and 2        c. 1, 2 and 3    d. 1, 3 and 5    e. NIL

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