Friday, April 18, 2008

Clinical Enzymology Quiz

I. ANSWER AS INDICATED. (No acronyms –transcribe answers)
1._______________________________________ Two examples of hydrolases
3._______________________________________ Two examples of transferases
5._______________________________________ It is the constant value for a specific enzyme substrate concentration under specified conditions.
6._______________________________________ When the substrate is in excess , this acts as the rate limiting factor.
7._______________________________________ When the enzyme is in excess , this acts as the rate limiting factor.
8._______________________________________ This CK isoenzyme is more specific for the heart.
9._______________________________________ This CK isoenzyme is more specific for the brain.
10._______________________________________ How many isoenzymes does CK have?
11._______________________________________What are the two subunits of CK?
12._______________________________________ What is the optimum pH for enzymatic reaction?
13._______________________________________ What is the optimum temperature for enzymatic reaction?
14._______________________________________ What is the type of inhibitor that competes with the substrates at the binding sites of the enzyme?
15._______________________________________ Give one example of a metallic activator.
16._______________________________________ It is a condition in enzyme assays in which the substrate is 99 X more than expected enzyme concentration.
17._______________________________________ It is half of the maximum velocity.
18._______________________________________ What are the isoenzymes of CK?
19._______________________________________ Transcribe CK.
20._______________________________________ One method for CK determination.

II. ESSAY: ( 5 pts.)
1 Explain the electrophoretic mobility of the CK isoenzymes.

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