Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lipids Quiz- Exam Review Questions

Lipids Quiz- Exam Review Questions

Identify the following items:

1._______________________________ It is the lipid component of the lungs that prevents the lungs from collapsing.

2._______________________________ It is also called the good cholesterol.

3._______________________________ It is also called the bad cholesterol.

4._______________________________ It is considered as the lipoprotein with the highest density.

5._______________________________ The lipid that stays at the point of origin in electrophoresis.

6._______________________________ It causes lipemia of serum.

7._______________________________ The food sources of this lipid is meat fat.

8._______________________________ The conversion factor of this lipid, from traditional to S.I. units is 0.01129.

9._______________________________ It is the simplest form of lipid.

10.______________________________It is the basic nucleus of most steroid hormones

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